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Smiling is infectious,you catch it like the flu.
When someone smiled at me today I started smiling too.
I passed around the corner,and someone saw my grin.
When he smiled I realized,I'd passed it on to him...

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Never frown because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
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One smile can't change the world, but your smile changes mine.
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Keep smiling… It makes people wonder what you've been up to. :)
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Smile...It confuses peple..!!
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It's such a mystery to me,Your smiles from heaven with glee,
I adore and yet envy thee,But I'd rather you smile those at me ...

You walk through life much easier with a smile on your face.
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Smile Because You Can..Not Because You Have To.
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A smiling face is a beautiful face. A smiling heart is a happy heart.
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Smile...even if it's just to annoy someone.
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Smile at everyone, you never know who's an angel.
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Smile - 03

But it was you,You gave me the reason to smile,
To smile with no reason,To smile for a smile,
I guess life is just like that,We need not a reason to smile,
For a smile is the reason itself,To rejoice and open-heartedly give thanks..

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Behind every girls smile:is a best friend who put it there.
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One of the most rewarding things in life is to always put a smile on your face.
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Make today as beautiful as you can. Let no one take away your happiness. Smile and laugh at the negativity, you're good.
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You wanna know who is amazing & has the cutest smile ever? Read the first word again
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Smile for the sake of a smile,Smile for the sake of happiness,
Smile for the sake of life,Smile because of hope left in life..

A smile is for everyone, not just who you give it to!
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A smile happens in a flash but its memory can last for a lifetime.
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People seldom notice old clothes if you wear a big smile.
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Happy Sunday

The name Sunday comes from the Old English Sunnandæg (pronounced Sun-nan-dag or Sun-nan-dye, "dye" as in the modern English word), meaning "Day of the Sun". This is a translation of the Latin phrase Dies Solis.

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Happy Saturday

Saturday is the only day of the week to retain its Roman origin in English, named after the Roman god Saturn associated with the Titan Cronos, father of Zeus and many Olympians. It's original Anglo-Saxon rendering was Sæturnesdæg (pronounced Sat-urn-es-dag or Sat-urn-es-dye). In Latin it was Dies Saturni, "Day of Saturn"; compare French Samedi and Spanish Sábado, which come from Sambata Dies (Day of the Sabbath).

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Happy Friday

The name Friday comes from the Old English Frigedæg (pronounced free-ye-dag or free-ye-dye), meaning the day of Frige, the Germanic goddess of beauty, who is a later incarnation of the Norse goddess Frigg, but also potentially connected to the Goddess Freyja. It is based on the Latin Dies Veneris, "Day of Venus"; compare French Vendredi and Spanish Viernes. Venus was the Roman godess of beauty, love and sex.

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Happy Thursday

The name Thursday comes from the Old English Þūnresdæg (prnounced thoon-res-dag or thoon-res-dye), meaning the day of Þunor, commonly known in Modern English as Thor, the Germanic god of thunder. It is based on the Latin Dies Iovis, "Day of Jupiter"; compare French Jeudi and Spanish Jueves.

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Happy Wednesday

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"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." Albert Einstein
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Start your day with some happy thoughts in mind, so that your day goes well. Don't fear the shadows of yesterday and dwell, because a new day is for you, it is all pleasant and new.
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Every day comes with many opportunities and chances. Let us make use of each and every day and the opportunity it comes with. Good Morning and God bless.
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Happy Tuesday - 01

The name Tuesday comes from the Old English Tiwesdæg (pronounced Tee-wes-dag or Tee-wes-dye), meaning "Tyr's day." Tyr (in Old English, Tiw, Tew or Tiu) was a god of combat and heroic glory in Germanic paganism. The name of the day is based on Latin Dies Martis, "Day of Mars" (the Roman war god); compare French Mardi and Spanish Martes.

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